Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Excel SpeardSheet can't be open in Sharepoint Server 2010 with Office Web Apps

Today I came across an error with Excel service and Office web apps with that I make sure all features running and application service associated with my web application so I check the log and I found this error:
SQL Database 'WSS_Content_SCTAIntranet_80' on SQL Server instance '[Instance Name]' not found. Additional error information from SQL Server is included below.

Cannot open database "WSS_Content_SCTAIntranet_80" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user '[DomainName]\EPM_ExcelService'.

So to fix this problem just go to SQL Server Management Studio > Security Folder > Logins >[DomainName]\EPM_ExcelService then Right click and Properties

Select the database name (WSS_Content_SCTAIntranet_80) and then in down part check [db_owner].

Note: the above solution apply to this error also [But you need also to run IISReset]

"There is a compatibility range mismatch between the Web server and database "WSS_Content_RecordCenter", and connections to the data have been blocked to due to this incompatibility. This can happen when a content database has not been upgraded to be within the compatibility range of the Web server, or if the database has been upgraded to a higher level than the web server. "

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